Polish PM reiterates call for EU to help Ukraine win war

The Polish prime minister has reiterated his call on the European Union to support Ukraine in its struggle to recapture territory seized by Russia and force Russian troops to retreat.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak

„Imperial Russia may be defeated, thanks to Ukraine and our support for her,” Mateusz Morawiecki wrote in an opinion piece for the British magazine The Spectator

„The victory in this war is but a matter of our consistency and determination,” he said in his piece, which was published by the spectator.co.uk website on Monday.

Morawiecki argued that „thanks to the supplies of equipment on a scale which – judging by the West’s capability – is still relatively little, Ukraine began reversing this war’s direction.”

He said that even though „Russia keeps attacking, spreading death and destruction and committing heinous war crimes,” for almost six months the morale of the Ukrainian people „has not been broken.”

Meanwhile, the morale of the Russian army was becoming „ever weaker,” according to Morawiecki.

He also said that the Russian army was suffering „heavy losses” in Ukraine, and pointed out that „the supplies of arms and other equipment are not inexhaustible.”

„And the production of these things by sanction-stricken industry will get more and more difficult,” Morawiecki predicted.

„We must therefore support Ukraine in her struggle to recapture the territories that have been taken from her and force Russia to retreat,” he appealed.

He added: „Only then, the real dialogue and an actual end to this war – and not just a temporary break preceding the next aggression – will be possible. Only such an end will mean our victory.”

In his piece for The Spectator, Morawiecki restated his argument that the war in Ukraine „has exposed the truth about Russia,” while also exposing „the truth about Europe.”

He said European leaders „allowed themselves to be lured by Vladimir Putin” and „are in shock” in the aftermath of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.


Source: PAPspectator.co.uk

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