Poland's Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna announced that the Ministry of Health has placed an order for a modified COVID-19 vaccine tailored to a new variant of the virus. Illustrative photo.shutterstock/Alexxndr Three weeks ago, American vaccine developer Novavax applied for the registration of its modified COVID-19 vaccine based on the JN1 variant, according to the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate

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Unemployment in Poland dropped to 4.9 percent in June, from 5 percent in May, the country’s statistics office reported on Tuesday. Pixabay LicenseImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay The reading was in line with an earlier estimate by the labour ministry. There were around 762,200 people without jobs across the nation at the end of June, compared with 776,600 a month earlier, according to the state-run Statistics Poland (GUS) office. The statistics agency reported earlier this month that employment in

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Ukraine has blocked the delivery of oil from the Russian energy giant Lukoil to Hungary and Slovakia. Hungary threatened with energy crisis.  Orban-Putin press conference. Photo: YURI KOCHETKOV/PAP/EPA Ukraine has blocked the "friendship" pipeline delivering Russian oil to Slovakia and Hungary, both EU countries. Some commentators see an element of (perhaps poetic) justice, considering the fact that Hungary

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Poland's defense ministry has announced a significant rise in the number of personnel within the country's armed forces, with the total nearing 200,000 as of the end of last month. Photo:PAP/Marcin Bielecki This increase is part of Poland's strategic goal to expand its military to 300,000 members by 2035 in response to Russia's invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The specialist military news portal

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At the anniversary NATO summit, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz stated that Poland will not independently shoot down Russian missiles heading towards Ukraine, emphasizing that such decisions must be agreed upon by the entire NATO, while US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan suggested providing Ukraine with air defense systems as the most effective means of protection. Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz stated

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“It was a miracle, that nobody died” – report firefighters. Last night at Purda near Lake Serwent, dramatic weather completely destroyed a recreation centre. Purda, 12.07.2024. Zniszczenia po przejściu trąby powietrznej na terenie ośrodka wypoczynkowego nad jeziorem Serwent w miejscowości Purda k. Olsztyna. Większość z 32 domków letniskowych ośrodka została uszkodzona. Drzewa spadły też na trzy samochody. (amb)

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The matriculation exam results have been released, revealing that students achieved higher scores in the English exam compared to the Polish exam this year. The Central Examination Board (CKE) reported that 84.1% of students passed the maturity exam this year. 5.5% did not succeed initially, while 10.4% are set to take resits in August.jump1987/pixaby.com/CC0 The Central Examination

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An investigation has been launched into a cyberattack on the Polish News Agency (PAP), the Warsaw Prosecutor’s Office said on Saturday. The Internal Security Agency (ABW) has been tasked with conducting the probe. In the attack in late May, hackers infiltrated PAP's internal systems, publishing a false report claiming that the government had ordered a mobilization of 200,000 men

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