Top Polish, Canadian lawmakers discuss support for Ukraine

Poland’s lower-house Speaker has held talks with top Canadian lawmakers in Ottawa about assistance to war-torn Ukraine.

Polands lower-house Speaker Elżbieta Witek (second from left) and Canadas House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota (centre) meet in Ottawa on Tuesday, June 14, 2022.

Poland’s lower-house Speaker Elżbieta Witek (second from left) and Canada’s House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota (centre) meet in Ottawa on Tuesday, June 14, 2022.Twitter/Polish Parliament

Elżbieta Witek met with the Speaker of Canada’s Senate, George J. Furey, and the Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota, on Tuesday, Polish state news agency PAP reported.  

Help for Ukraine

Witek said afterwards: “Our talks focused mainly on the situation in Ukraine.”

She added: “Wherever I travel, every meeting centres on the war in Ukraine, on how we need to help Ukraine, on the fact that we must help quickly, that they need military assistance, that it’s not a regional conflict,” she added.

Witek stressed that the conflict in Ukraine “doesn’t concern only Europe – it’s a conflict that threatens security around the world and the legal order around the world,” the PAP news agency reported.

’Very good’ talks

She told reporters that she had „very good” talks in Canada because she „didn’t need to convince anyone that this help is necessary.”

Witek announced that she had officially invited Canada’s Rota to visit Poland. 

She also revealed that Canadian lawmakers had asked her to tell the chairman of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk, that “Canada has stood and will stand with Ukraine.”

Witek is due to meet with Stefanchuk in Warsaw on Friday.

Four-day visit to Canada

While in Ottawa, Witek also met with the Canada-Poland Parliamentary Group and attended a session of the Canadian House of Commons, the PAP news agency reported.  

Tuesday was the final day of Witek’s four-day visit to Canada.


Source: PAP,

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