Rząd nie myśli o gospodarstwach domowych z licznikami przedpłatowymi

Pearse Doherty oskarżył w tym tygodniu rząd o opuszczenie 450 000 gospodarstw domowych tej zimy. Powiedział, że gabinet musi wprowadzić zakaz odłączania prądu TERAZ, a nie w grudniu, i wprowadzić go dla WSZYSTKICH gospodarstw domowych, w tym tych korzystających z liczników przedpłatowych.

Więcej poniżej…

Welcome to The Weekly Digest from Sinn Féin where we bring you a flavour of the work and campaigns that we have been involved in during the course of the week.

Fáilte go hIris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine ag Sinn Féin ina gcuirfear ar bhur súil blaiseadh den obair agus de na feachtais a bhfuilimid ag plé leo le linn na seachtaine.

The Weekly Digest / Iris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine

45 days of chaos comes to an end with resignation of Liz Truss

Mary Lou McDonald has said forty-five days of chaos and dysfunction at the heart of the Tory Party has ended with the resignation of Liz Truss. 

Forty-five days that worsened an economic crisis and fuelled political instability in the north.

Read Mary Lou’s statement on Liz Truss’ resignation here: https://www.sinnfein.ie/contents/64510

Michelle O’Neill – A First Minister for All

Speaking during a visit to Lagan College Integrated Secondary School this week Michelle O’Neill said, as a First Minister for All, she is more determined than ever to build a better future for today’s generation and tomorrow’s leaders.

Watch Michelle here: https://fb.watch/gibygHkMQI/

Edentubber Commemoration

The 65th Annual Edentubber Commemoration will take place on Sunday, 13th of November, assembling at 2:30pm.

The main speaker this year is Ruairí Ó Murchú TD.  All welcome.

Government abandoning households on pre-pay meters

Pearse Doherty this week accused the Government of abandoning 450,000 households this Winter.

He said the government must introduce a ban on disconnections NOW, not in December, and introduce it for ALL households including those on pre-pay meters.

Watch Pearse here: https://fb.watch/gicT2tmrag/

Government shamefully failing survivors of Mother and Baby Homes

Speaking on RTÉ Radio One this week Kathleen Funchion said the failure of government to follow the recommendations of the report it commissioned into the Mother and Baby Homes Redress Scheme is utterly wrong and a shameful injustice to survivors.

Watch Kathleen here: https://fb.watch/gid3AXkB_S/

Have you got your National Draw ticket yet?

Once again this year there will be four draws with a €5000 cash prize up for grabs in each draw.

A €10 ticket gets you into all four draws with the first one taking place on Saturday 26th of November and the subsequent draws taking place on 3rd of December, 10th of December and 18th of December.

Get your tickets for all four draws today by clicking the button below:

I want to buy a National Draw Ticket

An bhfuil ticéad agat go fóill don Chrannchur Náisiúnta?

Arís i mbliana beidh ceithre chrannchur ann agus duais €5000 ar fáil i ngach ceann acu.

Le ticéad €10 beidh tú istigh i gceithre chrannchur agus beidh an chéad cheann ag tarlú Dé Sathairn 26 Samhain agus na crannchuir ina dhiaidh sin ar an 3 Nollaig, 10 Nollaig agus 18 Nollaig.

Faigh ticéad do gach crannchur tríd an gcnaipe thíos a bhrú:

Ba mhaith liom ticéad a cheannach

The third issue of An Phoblacht for 2022 is on sale now!

The third 2022 edition of An Phoblacht is now available to purchase online.

In this issue;

–         Sinn Féin Finance Spokesperson Pearse Doherty covers his priorities ahead of Budget 2023, and on how the Government has failed to serve its citizens and protect its most vulnerable

–          QUB Professor Colin Harvey outlines the thinking behind the Preparing for a New Ireland conference to be held in Dublin’s 3 Arena on October 1st

–          Mairéad Farrell reviews the republished 'John Lennon’s Dead’ by Republican Veteran Síle Darragh

–         Sinn Féin National Chair Declan Kearney talks about the need to plan and ensure that the new Ireland will not be like the old Ireland

Źr./Zdj.: Sinn Fein

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