Radical Action Needed to Tackle Inflation.
All out Sept 24th

This government simply repeats the mantra that they cannot interfere in the market. They have no idea how long inflation will last and their only message is that people should wait patiently and not seek higher pay.

The current crisis shows why we need a left government that is willing to impose price controls on energy and essential foods.

It needs to invest rapidly in free public transport and create a  state-run, not-for-profit company that will pioneer the transition to renewable energy.

The energy sector needs to be re-nationalised and the ESB instructed to operate on a not-for-profit mandate.

We also need to control rents and mortgage interest rates. Irish borrowers are paying twice the EU interest rate and Irish tenants are paying the dearest rents in Europe.

These are positive but radical proposals. We need to think outside the box if we are to protect living standards.

On Saturday, September 24th at 2.30pm from Parnell Square in Dublin, join the march to the Dáil. We are asking all People Before Profit members and supporters to join in a unified voice on the biggest issue concerning people here and now.

People Before Profit

Liderka Sinn Féin M
Young people in Irel