Poland, Ukraine to open new border crossing next year: officials

Poland and Ukraine will open a new border crossing, at Nyzhankovychi-Malhowice, by next summer, officials said on Tuesday.

Michał Dworczyk (centre), Andrzej Adamczyk (second from right) and Oleksandr Kubrakov (left) attend a news conference at the Korczowa-Krakovets border crossing between Poland and Ukraine, on Tuesday, August 16, 2022.

Michał Dworczyk (centre), Andrzej Adamczyk (second from right) and Oleksandr Kubrakov (left) attend a news conference at the Korczowa-Krakovets border crossing between Poland and Ukraine, on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

The date was announced by Michał Dworczyk, chief of staff to Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

Nyzhankovychi-Malhowice crossing to be ready by summer 2023

Speaking at a news conference to mark the relaunch of the Korczowa-Krakovets border crossing, Dworczyk said: “Another border crossing with Ukraine … will be opened in just under a year from now, before the next summer holidays.”

He added the new crossing would link the Ukrainian town of Nyzhankovychi with the Polish village of Malhowice.

“It will open up new possibilities for the exchange of goods and for cross-border passenger traffic between Poland and Ukraine,” Dworczyk told reporters.

Poland’s Infrastructure Minister Andrzej Adamczyk said that the new border crossing would also include “a modernised railway line.” 

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov said: “The exchange of goods and the passenger traffic are growing all the time, which proves that previously, the border infrastructure had not been of the required capacity.” 

Relaunch of Korczowa-Krakovets crossing

Adamczyk told reporters that the Korczowa-Krakovets crossing had been „modernised in a matter of weeks.” 

He added that passengers would now be able to cross the border at Korczowa-Krakovets “in civilised conditions.”

Kubrakov said the border crossing now has more lanes for trucks and passenger cars, while a new bus terminal on the Ukrainian side would be launched on Wednesday.  

He added: “Our efforts do not stop here; the main aim is to boost the exchange of goods between our countries and to make crossing the border more comfortable for our citizens.”

Kubrakov thanked Poland for funds allocated for the development of border crossings, the PAP news agency reported.

In June, Polish and Ukrainian officials announced they were working on a new border crossing for cars in Nyzhankovychi-Malhowice, a renewed rail link between Ukraine and the southeastern Polish city of Przemyśl, a new pedestrian crossing point between the Polish village of Hrebenne and Ukraine’s Rava-Ruska, and on boosting the capacity of the Dorohusk-Jagodin and Korczowa-Krakovets border crossings.

The aim is to facilitate bilateral trade, passenger traffic and global food security amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, reporters were told. 


Source: IAR, PAPprzemysl.naszemiasto.pl

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