Baltic FMs call for special tribunal to investigate Russia’s 'crime of aggression’ against Ukraine

The foreign ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have called for the establishment of a special international tribunal to investigate Russia’s „crime of aggression” against Ukraine.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis.PAP/Mateusz Marek

In a joint statement, the three top diplomats said such a „Special Tribunal for the Punishment of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine” was needed to bring Russia’s top political and military leadership to account for their country’s assault on Ukraine.

The Baltic foreign ministers—Estonia’s Urmas Reinsalu, Lithuania’s Gabrielius Landsbergis and Latvia’s Edgars Rinkēvičs—urged the European Union to be part of efforts to ensure Russia is held accountable for its invasion of Ukraine.

„Ahead of EU discussions on Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, we, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, are calling for a European Union effort in support of Ukraine’s aim to ensure Russia‘s accountability for its aggression against Ukraine,” the three foreign ministers said in their joint statement.

They added: „The rules-based international order, which we all strive to defend, cannot survive if there is impunity for the deeds that violate it most blatantly – genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crime of aggression.”

The Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian foreign ministers said that a Special Tribunal for the Punishment of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine would complement the role of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is tasked with collecting evidence, identifying and punishing those responsible for „war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity” committed in Ukraine.

„While the ICC would prosecute individuals for war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity, the Special Tribunal’s core responsibility would be the crime of aggression,” the Baltic foreign ministers said.

„The key masterminds, instigators and facilitators of this murderous aggression cannot escape justice …,” they stated.



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