Pracownicy i rodziny potrzebują teraz działań w zakresie kosztów utrzymania

Zwracając się w tym tygodniu do Taoiseacha podczas pytań przywódców w Dáil, Mary Lou McDonald powiedziała, że ​​pracownicy i rodziny potrzebują teraz działań ze strony rządu w sprawie kryzysu kosztów utrzymania – nie mogą czekać do październikowego budżetu.

Welcome to The Weekly Digest from Sinn Féin where we bring you a flavour of the work and campaigns that we have been involved in during the course of the week.

Fáilte go hIris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine ag Sinn Féin ina gcuirfear ar bhur súil blaiseadh den obair agus de na feachtais a bhfuilimid ag plé leo le linn na seachtaine.

The Weekly Digest / Iris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine

Second 2022 edition of An Phoblacht out now

The second issue of An Phoblacht for 2022 is on sale now!

In this issue;

– Editor Robbie Smyth sits down with Sinn Féin Leas Uachtaráin and First Minister Designate Michelle O’Neill MLA to discuss being First Minister, a record breaking election for Sinn Féin, meeting Boris Johnston and more. 

– Jim Gibney, Naoise Ó Cuilín and Emma McArdle give a deep analysis into the recent historic Assembly election results.

– Dream Dearg protest in Belfast attracts over 17,000 attendees.

– Claire Kerrane TD writes on the Government’s failures to tackle the spiraling Cost of Living crisis

Get your radical news today, order your copy of An Phoblacht here:

I want to buy An Phoblacht

Tá an dara heagrán de An Phoblacht 2022 ar fáil anois

Tá an dara heagrán de An Phoblacht 2022 ar díol anois!

San eagrán seo;

– An tEagarthóir Robbie Smyth i mbun plé le Leas-Uachtarán Shinn Féin agus an An Chéad Aire Ainmnithe Michelle O’Neill MLA faoin ról mar Chéad Aire, torthaí toghcháin do Shinn Féin nárbh ann dóibh riamh, faoi bhualadh le Boris Johnston agus go leor eile. 

– Déanann Jim Gibney, Naoise Ó Cuilín agus Emma McArdle anailís dhomhain ar thorthaí stairiúla toghcháin an Tionóil le déanaí.

– Breis agus 17,000 i láthair ag agóid an Dream Dearg i mBéal Feirste.

– Scríobh Claire Kerrana, TD, faoi theip an Rialtais dul i ngleic le Géarchéim Chostais Mhaireachtála atá ag imeacht as smacht

Faigh cóip den nuacht radacach inniu, ordaigh cóip de An Phoblacht anseo:

I want to buy An Phoblacht

Workers and families need action on cost of living now

Addressing the Taoiseach at Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil this week Mary Lou McDonald said Workers and families need action from Government on the cost of living crisis now – they cannot wait until the Budget in October.

Watch Mary Lou here:

Gníomh de dhíth láithreach ar oibrithe agus teaghlaigh maidir leis an chostas maireachtála

Ag labhairt leis an Taoiseach ag Ceisteanna na gCeannairí sa Dáil an tseachtain seo dúirt Mary Lou McDonald go bhfuil gníomh ón Rialtas de dhíth ar oibrithe agus teaghlaigh faoin ghéarchéim chostais mhaireachtála anois – ní féidir leo fanacht go dtí an Buiséad i mí Dheireadh Fómhai

Amharc ar Mary Lou anseo:

Call for emergency legislation to ensure school places for all children

Speaking in the Dáil this week Pearse Doherty called for emergency legislation to be brought forward to ensure that every child has a school place.

He said the Government’s words and statistics are no comfort to the parents of the 106 children with special educational needs who do not know if they have a school place in September.

Watch Pearse here:

Éileamh le haghaidh reachtaíocht éigeandála chun áiteanna scoile a chinntiú do gach leanbh

Agus é ag labhairt sa Dáil an tseachtain seo d’iarr Piaras Ó Dochartaigh go dtabharfaí reachtaíocht éigeandála chun cinn le cinntiú go mbeidh áit scoile ag gach leanbh.

Dúirt sé nárbh aon ábhar faoisimh é do thuismitheoirí an 106 leanbh a bhfuil riachtanais speisialta oideachais acu nach bhfuil a fhios an bhfuil áit scoile acu i mí Mheán Fómhair focail agus staitisticí an Rialtais.

Amharc ar Phiaras anseo:

Save Navan Hospital public meeting

Sinn Féin this week held a very well attended public meeting on the campaign to save Navan Hospital.

People power has saved services at Navan Hospital before and we need people to rally around this issue again in order to retain our emergency services.

It is long past time that the government invested in our health system and stood up for patients. Sinn Féin in government would deliver a health service that works.

Watch some clips from the meeting here:

Cruinniú poiblí chun Ospidéal na hUaimhe a shábháil

Reáchtáil Sinn Féin cruinniú poiblí an tseachtain seo ar an fheachtas chun Ospidéal na hUaimhe a shábháil agus bhí freastal maith air.

Sábháladh na seirbhísí in Ospidéal na hUaimhe roimhe seo mar gheall ar chumhacht an phobail agus teastaíonn uainn daoine teacht le chéile arís ar an cheist seo chun ár seirbhísí éigeandála a choinneáil.

Tá sé i bhfad thar am ag an rialtas infheistíocht a dhéanamh inár gcóras sláinte agus an fód a sheasamh d’othair. Chuirfeadh Sinn Féin seirbhís shláinte ar bun a n-éiríonn léi.

Amharc ar ghearrthóga ón chruinniú anseo:

Government legislation will not provide 100% redress for many homeowners

Speaking in the Dáil this week Eoin Ó Broin said major amendments needed to the legislation to ensure 100% redress for those whose homes are affected by defective blocks.

He said the legislation will not provide 100% redress for many homeowners.

Watch Eoin here:

Ní thabharfaidh reachtaíocht an Rialtais sásamh 100% do go leor úinéirí tí

Agus é ag labhairt sa Dáil an tseachtain seo dúirt Eoin Ó Broin go bhfuil leasuithe móra de dhíth ar an reachtaíocht chun sásamh 100 % a chinntiú dóibh siúd a bhfuil tionchar ag bloic lochtacha ar a dtithe.

Dúirt sé nach dtabharfaidh reachtaíocht an Rialtais sásamh 100% do go leor úinéirí tí

Amharc ar Eoin anseo:

Michelle O’Neill meets with Shankill Women’s Centre and Ashton Centre

Michelle O’Neill this week met with the Shankill Women’s Centre and Ashton Centre in the Newlodge, to listen to them on the pressure that the rising cost of living is placing on families.

Sinn Féin is working to see an Executive formed now, that acts to put money in the pockets of workers and families.

Watch a clip here:

Buaileann Michelle O’Neill le hIonad na mBan ar an tSeanchill agus Ionad Ashton

Bhuail Michelle O’Neill le hIonad na mBan ar an tSeanchill agus Ionad Ashton sa Lóiste Úr an tseachtain seo, chun éisteacht leo faoin bhrú atá ar theaghlaigh mar gheall ar an ardú costais maireachtála.

Tá Sinn Féin ag obair le Feidhmeannas a bhunú anois, a fheidhmíonn chun airgead a chur i bpócaí oibrithe agus teaghlaigh.

Amharc ar ghearrthóg anseo:

Ireland has a responsibility to draw attention to hypocrisy of EU gas deal with Israel

As the EU seeks to find alternative sources to Russian gas, they are prepared to do a deal with Israel – a state that has been consistently found to be in breach of international law. 

Speaking in the Dáil this week John Brady said Ireland has a responsibility to draw attention to this hypocrisy and the EU has a responsibility to avoid rewarding states in breach of international law through blatant contravention of human rights.

Watch John here:

Tá freagracht ar Éirinn aird a tharraingt ar fhimíneacht maidir le margadh gáis an AE le hIosrael

Agus an AE ag iarraidh foinsí eile a aimsiú seachas gás na Rúise, tá siad sásta comhaontú a dhéanamh le hIosrael – stát a bhfuil an dlí idirnáisiúnta á shárú aige go seasta. 

Ag labhairt dó sa Dáil an tseachtain seo dúirt John Brady go bhfuil freagracht ar Éirinn aird a tharraingt ar an fhimíneacht seo agus go bhfuil freagracht ar an AE gan luach saothair a thabhairt do stáit a sháraíonn an dlí idirnáisiúnta trí shárú soiléir ar chearta an duine.

Amharc ar John anseo:

Michelle O’Neill Bodenstown 2022 speech

Michelle O’Neill delivered a powerful speech at the annual Wolfe Tone commemoration last weekend in which she said;

„Let’s make this the moment we turn the tide for workers, for families and for Ireland.  Let’s make history. Let’s fulfil the ambition for change felt across this country.”

You can read her speech here:

Óráid Michelle O’Neill i mBaile Bhuadain in 2022

Thug Michelle O’Neill óráid chumhachtach ag comóradh bliantúil Wolfe Tone i mBaile Bhuadain an deireadh seachtaine seo caite ina ndúirt sí;

„Let’s make this the moment we turn the tide for workers, for families and for Ireland.  Let’s make history. Let’s fulfil the ambition for change felt across this country.”

Is féidir leat an óráid a thug sé a léamh anseo:

Ógra Shinn Féin launch new 25th anniversary range

Ógra Shinn Féin has launched a new 25th anniversary range on 

They have also released a new special 25th anniversary Jersey which you can view here:

The password for the site is Ogra1997

Seolann Ógra Shinn Féin raon nua comóradh 25 bliain

Sheol Ógra Shinn Féin raon nua comóradh 25 bliain 

Tá Geirsí speisialta nua 25 bliain eisithe acu freisin agus is féidir leat amharc air anseo:

Is é Ogra1997 pasfhocal an tsuímh.

Sinn Fein

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