New EU Deforestation Regulation should spell death knell for MERCOSUR Cattle Deal – MEP Kelleher

Fianna Fáil MEP Billy Kelleher has said that the EU’s latest deforestation law should sound the death knell for any future MERCOSUR trade deal that enables the destruction of the Amazon rainforest to produce beef.

Kelleher was commenting after the European Parliament concluded an agreement with the European Council on the Deforestation Regulation to ensure that a series of products sold in the EU do not come from deforested land anywhere in the world.

„One such product is cattle so I cannot for the life of me see how any future MERCOSUR deal could even include approval for the inclusion of cattle imports from South America into the European Union.

„Vaste swathes of the Amazonian rainforest have been clear cleared to date to create grazing land for cattle. The earth’s lungs are being bulldozed. Added to this the forced displacement of indigenous community, and it is clear we cannot allow it to continue. 

„Europe doesn’t need more beef. We produce more than enough on our own. We do not need poorer quality beef from Brazil.

„The legislation adopted this week must put an end to any inclusion of cattle imports from Brazil in particular, into the European Union,” concluded Kelleher.

Billy Kelleher MEP
Fianna Fáil | Renew Europe

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