Lawmakers submit bill to allow Poles to fight in Ukrainian army

Polish MPs have drawn up legislation to allow Poles to serve in the Ukrainian army as Ukraine defends itself from Russia’s invasion, officials have said.

Polish MPs have drawn up legislation to enable Poles to serve in the Ukrainian army as Ukraine defends itself from Russias invasion.

Polish MPs have drawn up legislation to enable Poles to serve in the Ukrainian army as Ukraine defends itself from Russia’s invasion.Sgt. 1st Class Walter Van Ochten, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The cross-party bill was submitted to the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, on Tuesday, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

Urszula Rusecka, a spokeswoman for Poland’s ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, told the media: “It’s very welcome that all parties have agreed to sign on to this bill, regardless of political divisions.”

She added: “We are pleased because there aren’t many pieces of legislation on which all parties agree.”

’The war in Ukraine is also our war’

Meanwhile, Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska, an MP with the opposition Civic Platform (PO) party, told reporters: “The war in Ukraine is also our war. Ukraine is also fighting for us today, and so those Poles who have decided to fight in the war on the Ukrainian side should not be punished for it.”

She added that without new regulations, Polish volunteers “would face criminal responsibility.”

Kluzik-Rostkowska, who is a member of the Polish lower house’s defence committee, told reporters that „these Polish fighters have gained enormous, unique experience taking part in a real war, and this experience may be put to use in our armed forces.”

Under the current rules, Polish citizens are allowed to serve in the armed forces of other countries only with the approval of the defence minister, which requires a lengthy procedure, according to officials.

Meanwhile, those who join a foreign army without the approval of Poland’s defence minister face a prison sentence of between three months and five years, the PAP news agency reported.  

Proposed new rules

The new bill foresees that Polish citizens who joined the Ukrainian army after February 20, 2014, without the approval of the defence minister will be exempt from criminal responsibility, officials said. 

The recruitment of Polish citizens, or foreigners based in Poland, to the Ukrainian army will no longer be considered a crime, according to PAP.  


Source: PAP,

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