British Govt has no interest in finding solutions to NI Protocol challenges – MEP Kelleher

– Unilateral action by British Govt leaves Ireland, north and south, exposed to retaliation –

Fianna Fáil MEP Billy Kelleher has warned that he believes the British Government has no real interest in finding solutions to some of the technical challenges that have arisen due to the NI Protocol.

Kelleher was commenting as the British Government confirmed its intention to publish a unilateral piece of legislation to circumvent the Protocol and ultimately its international treaty obligations.

„What we are now seeing is various British government ministers trying to outdo each other in terms of fidelity to the ERG faction within the Tory party.

„Ultimately, we are watching the starting salvos of a leadership election. Sadly none of the senior Tory leaders have the courage to realise that continuing down this path will bring nothing but international damage for the UK and political turmoil for Northern Ireland.

„This unilateral action shows to me that technical solutions are not the objective of the British Government. Government ministers are in full campaign mode for the leadership of the Conservative Party and ultimately the country as PM Johnson is incredibly weakened following his narrow victory in the recent confidence vote.

„This leaves Ireland in a very tricky place. Our EU colleagues continue to show full solidarity with us. However, their patience is running thin. If the British Government continues to act in this way, putting forward unilateral actions without any solutions, I fear there will be those in the Union who will want to retaliate. Under any form of retaliation, Ireland, north and south, loses.

„I am appealing to the reasonable elements of the Tory Party to assert themselves and to force their PM and ministers to pull back from the brink. It’s still not too late but if attempts are made to pass this unilateral action into law, I fear for what will happen next,” concluded Kelleher.

Źr: MEP Billy Kelleher

Ivana Bacik i David
Dane Rzecznika Praw