Zakaz eksmisji musi zostać przedłużony

Przemawiając w programie Upfront RTÉ w tym tygodniu, Eoin Ó Broin powiedział, że rząd musi przedłużyć zakaz eksmisji i wykorzystać nadchodzący czas na wprowadzenie ambitnej serii środków nadzwyczajnych, aby:

Welcome to The Weekly Digest from Sinn Féin where we bring you a flavour of the work and campaigns that we have been involved in during the course of the week.

Fáilte go hIris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine ag Sinn Féin ina gcuirfear ar bhur súil blaiseadh den obair agus de na feachtais a bhfuilimid ag plé leo le linn na seachtaine.

The Weekly Digest

Time to form an Executive that supports workers, famililes and communities

Speaking in Washington this week Michelle O’Neill said it’s time to form an executive that supprts workers, families and communities.

Watch Michelle here:

Eviction ban must be extended

Speaking on RTÉ’s Upfront programme this week Eoin Ó Broin said Government must extend the eviction ban, and use the time ahead to put in place an ambitious series of emergency measures to:

– reduce the number of people becoming homeless 

– and to increase and accelerate the supply of social and affordable homes. 

Watch Eoin here:

Eoin also published Sinn Féin’s Dáil motion to force the Government to reverse their cruel decision to end the eviction ban.

Watch here:

17 local authorities have no emergency accommodation capacity

Meanwhile Matt Carthy has revealed that 17 local authorities have no capacity to provide emergency accommodation whatsoever meaning thousands of people made homeless next month will have nowhere to go.

Watch Matt here:

Health workers must have their demands met

Sinn Féín Health spokesperson Linda Dillon has said health workers must have their just demands met now, and savage Tory attacks on our health service must end.

She said over a decade of cruel and shameful Tory austerity has pushed our health service to the brink, forcing workers onto the streets to demand safe working conditions and fair pay.

Watch Linda here:

Source / Photo: Sinn Fein

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