Mary Lou kwestionuje rząd w sprawie zasiłków dla osób niepełnosprawnych i refundacji domów opieki

Welcome to The Weekly Digest from Sinn Féin where we bring you a flavour of the work and campaigns that we have been involved in during the course of the week.

Fáilte go hIris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine ag Sinn Féin ina gcuirfear ar bhur súil blaiseadh den obair agus de na feachtais a bhfuilimid ag plé leo le linn na seachtaine.

The Weekly Digest

Build Our 1916 Cultural Quarter – Urgent Public Meeting

The Moore Street Preservation Trust is holding an Urgent Public Meeting on Thursday 23rd of February at 7pm in Liberty Hall Dublin.

The meeting is part of the campaign to protect our heritage and culture from developers and to get the 1916 Cultural Quarter built.

Sinn Féin members are encouraged to support and attend this meeting.

Mary Lou challenges Government on disability payments and nursing home refunds

Speaking in the Dáil at Leaders’ Questions this week Mary Lou McDonald asked why successive governments denied people disability payments and nursing home refunds that they were entitled to.

Why, instead of standing up for people, did governments face down some of the most vulnerable people in our society?

Watch Mary Lou here:

Heartless political strategy was fundamentally wrong

Meanwhile, speaking on RTÉ News this week, Dvaid Cullinane said it is fundamentally wrong that the government devised a heartless political strategy to prevent elderly people and their families, who were illegally charged for nursing home care and ripped-off for 30 years, from getting compensation.

Watch David here:

Daithí’s law must be fully implemented

Michelle O’Neill this week met young Daithí MacGabhann who, along with his family, are fighting to modernise organ donation laws.

Michelle said it is unacceptable that this law has not been implemented in full and she is determined to see this happen.

Watch a clip of Michelle meeting Daithí here:

Domestic electricity customers to get refunds

After Sinn Féin raised the issue last week of domestic customers being overcharged on their electricity bills for a disgraceful scheme that forced families to subsidise big businesses, this week we had confirmation that monies will be repaid.

Watch Matt Carthy raising this issue in the Dáil this week:

Sinn Féin proposals for properly resourced mental health services for children and young people

Sinn Féin used its Private Members’ Time in the Dáil this week to bring forward proposals to ensure that we have services that are fit for purpose for our children and young people.

Sinn Féin would reform mental health services for children and young people to ensure they are properly resourced.

Watch a section of the Dáil debate here:

Mary Lou delivers annual Bloody Sunday lecture

Mary Lou McDonald delivered this year’s annual Bloody Sunday Lecture.

Bloody Sunday will always be with us. We carry their names with us as we work to build the Irish nation anew.

Watch Mary Lou here: