Fine Gael zajęte jest uzupełnianiem pensji bankierów, podczas gdy pracownicy i rodziny walczą

Przemawiając w tym tygodniu w telewizji RTÉ Pearse Doherty powiedział, że podczas gdy zwykli ludzie zmagają się z rosnącymi kosztami paliwa, żywności i energii, Fine Gael jest zajęte dbaniem o to, by pensje najlepszych bankierów nie były już ograniczone do 500 000 euro rocznie.

Welcome to The Weekly Digest from Sinn Féin where we bring you a flavour of the work and campaigns that we have been involved in during the course of the week.

Fáilte go hIris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine ag Sinn Féin ina gcuirfear ar bhur súil blaiseadh den obair agus de na feachtais a bhfuilimid ag plé leo le linn na seachtaine.

The Weekly Digest / Iris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine

Mary Lou welcomes European Commission President von der Leyen in Oireachtas address

Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD has welcomed European Commission President von der Leyen, in an address at Leinster House.

Watch Mary Lou’s speech here:

Out Now – The fourth and final 2022 edition of An Phoblacht

The fourth and final issue of the An Phoblacht magazine for 2022 is on sale now! 

In this issue Míchéal Mac Donncha and Joe Dwyer take on the centenary executions with a focus on Liam Mellows and Erskine Childers. We reprint Nora Connolly O’Brien’s 1932 refection on the Mellows she knew.

We also have extensive coverage of the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis with the full text of Mary Lou McDonald’s presidential address, along with contributions from Michelle O’Neill, Conor Murphy, Pearse Doherty, John Finucane, and Mairéad Farrell. Meanwhile Kathleen Funchion, Emma Sheerin and Eoghan Ó Finn reflect on the day in the RDS.

Get your copy here today:

Liam Mellows 100th anniversary commemoration

A commemoration will take place to mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Liam Mellows on Sunday 11thof December at the crossroads near Golden Anchor, Castletown, County Wexford.  The main speaker on the day is Mary Lou McDonald.

Comóradh 100 Bliain Liam Mellows

Beidh ócáid ann chun 100 bliain ó bhás Liam Mellows a chomóradh Dé Domhnaigh 11 Nollaig ag an gcrosbhóthar gar do Golden Anchor, Baile an Chaisleáin, Co. Loch Garman.  Is í Mary Lou McDonald a bheidh mar phríomhchainteoir ann ar an lá.

Fine Gael busy topping up bankers’ salaries while workers and families struggle

Speaking on RTÉ Television this week Pearse Doherty said, while ordinary people struggle with rising costs of fuel, food and energy, Fine Gael is busy ensuring top bankers salaries are no longer capped at €500,000 per year.

Watch Pearse here:

Taoiseach declines to provide final cost of National Children’s Hospital

The Taoiseach this week declined to give figures for the final cost of the National Children’s Hospital which is set to be one of the most expensive buildings in the world.

Addressing the Taoiseach in the Dáil this week Mary Lou McDonald said 'there’s a lot of focus on your inability to build houses Taoiseach but clearly you’re not good at building hospitals either.’

Watch Mary Lou here:

Sinn Féin motion to scrap road toll hikes

Sinn Féin brought a motion to the Dáil this week to scrap planned toll road price hikes.

These private companies are already making millions of euro in profit but Eamon Ryan has made it absolutely clear that he has no interest in bringing toll operators to heel. He needs to take his head out of the clouds, and put pressure on them to scrap price hikes.

Watch Darren O’Rourke discussing this issue here:

Michelle O’Neill delivers main address at annual Kilmichael commemoration

Michelle O’Neill delivered the main address at the annual Kilmichael commemoration in Co. Cork last weekend.

During the course of her speech Michelle said;

„I am working to build a society not of Orange and Green, but a rainbow of colours and multi-culturalism which reflects who we are, what we stand for today, and which embraces our diversity.”

Sinn Féin

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