Czas na 100 proc. zadośćuczynienie za wadliwe nieruchomości

Sinn Féin wykorzystała w tym tygodniu czas członków prywatnych w Dáil, aby zażądać 100% zadośćuczynienia właścicielom wadliwych nieruchomości. Właściciele domów i najemcy nie ponoszą winy za wady budowlane.

Welcome to The Weekly Digest from Sinn Féin where we bring you a flavour of the work and campaigns that we have been involved in during the course of the week.

Fáilte go hIris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine ag Sinn Féin ina gcuirfear ar bhur súil blaiseadh den obair agus de na feachtais a bhfuilimid ag plé leo le linn na seachtaine.

The Weekly Digest / Iris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine

Out Now – The fourth and final 2022 edition of An Phoblacht

The fourth and final issue of the An Phoblacht magazine for 2022 is on sale now! 

In this issue Míchéal Mac Donncha and Joe Dwyer take on the centenary executions with a focus on Liam Mellows and Erskine Childers. We reprint Nora Connolly O’Brien’s 1932 refection on the Mellows she knew.

We also have extensive coverage of the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis with the full text of Mary Lou McDonald’s presidential address, along with contributions from Michelle O’Neill, Conor Murphy, Pearse Doherty, John Finucane, and Mairéad Farrell. Meanwhile Kathleen Funchion, Emma Sheerin and Eoghan Ó Finn reflect on the day in the RDS.

Get your copy here today:

Liam Mellows 100th anniversary commemoration

A commemoration will take place to mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Liam Mellows tomorrow, Sunday 11thof December at the crossroads near Golden Anchor, Castletown, County Wexford.  The main speaker on the day is Mary Lou McDonald.

Comóradh 100 Bliain Liam Mellows

Beidh ócáid ann chun 100 bliain ó bhás Liam Mellows a chomóradh Dé Domhnaigh 11 Nollaig ag an gcrosbhóthar gar do Golden Anchor, Baile an Chaisleáin, Co. Loch Garman.  Is í Mary Lou McDonald a bheidh mar phríomhchainteoir ann ar an lá.

Blocking of Executive must end now

Speaking in the Assembly this week Michelle O’Neill said it is a disgrace that many families can’t afford to heat their homes this winter, while a £600 support payment is being blocked.

She said Sinn Féin will do everything that it can to support people through the cost of living crisis.

The blocking of an Executive by one party must end now.

Watch Michelle here:

Government policies driving a generation from Ireland

Speaking in the Dáil this week Mary Lou McDonald said the Government’s policies are driving an entire generation from Ireland.

She said Sinn Féin will move heaven and earth to give them a future here, and create an opportunity for those abroad to come back.

Watch Mary Lou here:

Time for 100% redress for defective properties

Sinn Féin used its Private Members’ Time in the Dáil this week to demand 100% redress owners of defective properties.  Homeowners and tenants are not to blame for building defects.

Watch a section of the debate here:

Education Minister on teaching career break plans to end career breaks for teachers

Speaking in the Dáil this week Mary Lou McDonald said the Government needs to address the real crisis now in recruitment of teachers which is all traceable to the housing crisis.

She pointed out that the Minister for Education Norma Foley plans to end career breaks for teachers, but is herself on a career break from teaching.

Watch Mary Lou here:

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