Russia’s military death toll in Ukraine reaches 67,470: report

Russia has now lost 67,470 soldiers on the battlefields of Ukraine since invading the country in February, including 400 troops in the last 24 hours, the government in Kyiv said on Sunday. 

Russia has now lost 67,470 soldiers on the battlefields of Ukraine since invading the country in February, including 400 troops in the last 24 hours, the government in Kyiv said on Sunday.

Russia has now lost 67,470 soldiers on the battlefields of Ukraine since invading the country in February, including 400 troops in the last 24 hours, the government in Kyiv said on Sunday. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The latest figures were announced by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrinform news agency reported.

According to Ukraine’s military command, some 400 Russian servicemen were killed in Ukraine the 24 hours before Sunday morning, bringing the Kremlin’s military death toll in Ukraine to 67,470, Ukrinform said.

Meanwhile, Russia has now also lost 2,584 tanks, including five since Saturday morning; 5,284 armoured combat vehicles, including 18 in the past 24 hours; and 1,667 artillery systems, including 14 since Saturday morning, Ukraine’s General Staff reported.

The Kremlin’s other combat losses in Ukraine include 374  multiple-launch rocket systems, including one in the past 24 hours; 270 fixed-wing aircraft; and 1,361 operational-tactical UAVs, of which 20 since Saturday morning, the Ukrainska Pravda website reported.  

A top Ukrainian official was quoted as saying in late September that dozens of Russia’s newly drafted troops had already been killed on the battlefields of Ukraine.

A US Pentagon official said in August that Russia had suffered between 70,000 and 80,000 casualties, either killed or wounded, during its invasion of Ukraine.



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