Polish FM criticizes Law and Justice for anti-European stance following election results

Polish chief diplomat Radosław Sikorski attributed the defeat of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) in the recent European Parliament elections to its anti-European Union stance.

Polish diplomacy chief, Radosław Sikorski.

Polish diplomacy chief, Radosław Sikorski.Photo: PAP/Andrzej Jackowski

This victory, Sikorski suggested, is a clear indication that the majority of Poles reject the anti-EU sentiments propagated by PiS and seek to play a significant role in shaping the future of Europe through active engagement in EU processes.

The elections saw the pro-European Civic Coalition (KO) emerge as the frontrunners with 37.06% of the vote, followed by PiS at 36.16%. Sikorski argued that the Civic Coalition’s victory reflects a Polish preference for a strong EU, especially in challenging times.

„Polish people feel that in such dangerous times, it is better to be together with our Western allies as part of a powerful community. Poles have opted for an ambitious Union,” assessed Sikorski, and added: „Europeans demand a stronger defensive union.”

He criticized PiS for allying with far-right and pro-Putin groups, labeling it a dangerous move for Poland. Despite the rise of right-wing forces in Europe, however, Sikorski doubts their ability to unite due to conflicting interests.

Reviewing of the European Parliament election results, Sikorski emphasized that Poland’s stance within the European Union is pivotal. He highlighted the increased representation of the European People’s Party, to which the Civic Coalition belongs, noting it will enhance Poland’s influence in the EU.

He observed that the European People’s Party, to which the Civic Coalition belongs, won the elections in Europe. „In this European People’s Party, the Polish representation will be much stronger than before. In the last term, we had 15 mandates, now 21. We will be the second-largest national delegation in the governing European party,” he said.

According to Sikorski, Donald Tusk will play a significant role in negotiating the future coalition in the European Parliament due to his positions as the former and current Polish Prime Minister and former President of the European Council and the European People’s Party.


Source: PAP

Radio Poland