PM says Saudi Arabia is Poland’s ‘vital partner’ in oil supplies

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has met with his Saudi Arabian counterpart and hailed Saudi Arabia as a “vital partner” as Poland seeks to diversify its sources of oil supplies. 

Polands Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki briefs reporters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Tuesday, March 7, 2023.

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki briefs reporters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Tuesday, March 7, 2023.Twitter/Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland

Morawiecki was hosted by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the capital Riyadh on Tuesday, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

The talks focused on „energy cooperation, renewable energy and the export of food from Poland, among other topics,” according to officials.

‘Saudi Arabia is an increasingly important oil-supply partner for Poland’ 

At a news conference afterwards, the Polish prime minister said that “Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest oil producer and exporter.”

He added: “Saudi Arabia is capable of stabilising the price of oil” and ensuring supplies to „countries that must import oil, such as Poland.”

Morawiecki told reporters that Poland „renounced Russian energy following the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine” and was diversifying its sources of oil supply, buying the resource around the world.

“And so for us, Saudi Arabia is becoming an increasingly important partner,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Polish Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement that Morawiecki and Mohammed bin Salman “discussed current bilateral relations and further cooperation on the supply of oil to Poland to ensure energy security for our country.”

The two leaders talked about “the scope of the deliveries of raw materials to strengthen our cooperation” and stressed “the importance of the stability of world oil markets and the reliability of supplies to Poland,” reporters were told.

In addition, Morawiecki “outlined Poland’s huge potential when it comes to investment in the technologies of the future and the export potential of Polish agriculture,” officials said.

The Polish and Saudi Arabian prime ministers also discussed “international and regional issues,” according to officials.  

Support for Ukraine

Poland’s Morawiecki raised the issue of support for Ukraine amid the continuing Russian invasion, officials also said.

He thanked Saudi Arabia “for its commitment to helping Ukraine and refugees” and „stressed the need to maintain unwavering support for Ukraine on every level,” according to his office.

During his visit to Riyadh, the Polish prime minister met with the Ukrainian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Anatolii Petrenko.  

Renewable energy, eco-innovation, food products

Morawiecki and Mohammed bin Salman also explored “the potential for significant investments in renewable energy technology and many other types of environmentally-oriented innovation,” officials said. 

Poland and Saudi Arabia “intend to work together to develop a friendly investment climate for both sides and to launch initiatives for sustainable development, clean energy and technology of the future,” according to the Polish Prime Minister’s Office. 

Morawiecki also outlined “the potential and prospects for the export of Polish food products to Saudi Arabia, „stressing that Poland has a thriving agri-food sector and offers agricultural products of the highest quality,” officials said. 


Source: IAR,

Radio Poland>>>

Andrzej Zawadzki-Lia
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