First US-made HIMARS rocket launchers to reach Poland on Monday: Polish MOD

Poland is to receive the first batch of the US-made HIMARS rocket launchers on Monday, Poland’s defence minister said on Sunday.

Polands Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak during the ruling Law and Justice party convention in Warsaw on Sunday.

Poland’s Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak during the ruling Law and Justice party convention in Warsaw on Sunday.Photo: PAP/Leszek Szymański

Mariusz Błaszczak made the announcement during a speech at the ruling Law and Justice party convention in Warsaw.

In 2019, Poland purchased 20 HIMARS systems, while this year, the US Congress had cleared the sale of nearly 500 HIMARS artillery rocket systems to Poland

The first shipment of HIMARS launchers will be delivered to the Polish army’s 18th Mechanised Division, which is tasked with protecting northeastern Poland.

During his visit to the US, earlier this month, Błaszczak announced that his country will open a service centre for HIMARS rocket launchers later this year and that US arms maker Lockheed Martin is interested in producing its HIMARS rocket artillery system in Poland. 

Błaszczak told reporters at the time, that Błaszczak told reporters at the time: “members of the board of Lockheed Martin assured me that their company is willing to cooperate with the Polish arms industry and to strengthen the Polish arms industry.”

“This is also beneficial to the United States, because such cooperation will make it possible to increase the production of the HIMARS system,” he added.


Source: IAR

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