Właściciele domów trafili na siódmą podwyżkę kredytów hipotecznych od lipca ubiegłego roku

Setki tysięcy rodzin zostało w tym tygodniu dotkniętych siódmą podwyżką kredytów hipotecznych od lipca ubiegłego roku. Jednak przywódca Fianna Fáil ponownie odrzucił plan Sinn Féin dotyczący ograniczonej w czasie ulgi hipotecznej i wykluczył wsparcie rządowe dla tych rodzin. 

Welcome to The Weekly Digest from Sinn Féin where we bring you a flavour of the work and campaigns that we have been involved in during the course of the week.

Fáilte go hIris Choimriúcháin na Seachtaine ag Sinn Féin ina gcuirfear ar bhur súil blaiseadh den obair agus de na feachtais a bhfuilimid ag plé leo le linn na seachtaine.

Families, workers and businesses want an executive up and running

Conor Murphy MLA and John Finucane MP were in North Belfast this week listening to families, workers, and businesses.

They want an Executive up and running to support people with the rising cost of living, to fix our health service, and build a better future for all communities.

On Thursday 18th May, voters can send a clear message, by electing hardworking Sinn Féin councillors who will prioritise the issues that matter to you.

Watch Conor and John here: https://fb.watch/kkEHE7n05g/

Health service is creaking at the seams

Speaking in the Dáil this week Mary Lou McDonald asked how bad the health service has to get before the government gets its act together.  She said the health service is creaking at the seams with overcrowded hospitals, hundreds of patients on trolleys, patient safety at risk and three quarters of nurses have considered leaving their job.

Watch Mary Lou here: https://fb.watch/kkDquGAjwN/

Homeowners hit with 7th Mortgage hike since last July

Hundreds of thousands of families were this week hit with their seventh mortgage hike since last July. However, the Fianna Fáil Leader again knocked back Sinn Féin’s plan for time limited mortgage relief and ruled out government support for these families. 

Speaking in the Dáil Pearse Doherty said we won’t let this go. We will keep fighting for homeowners under huge pressure from rip-off mortgage interest hikes.

Watch Pearse here: https://fb.watch/kjwetaMiyn/

When will the government tell Israel it can’t keep stealing Palestinian land?

Speaking in the Dáil this week Chris Andrews asked when is the Government going to tell Israel that they can’t keep stealing Palestinian land, setting-up illegal settlements and practicing apartheid.

Watch Chris here: https://fb.watch/kjv_JDR8FT/

Sinn Féin plan to reduce rip-off energy prices

Sinn Féin used its private members time in the Dáil this week to bring forward a plan to reduce rip-off energy bills.

Watch Darren O’Rourke outline Sinn Féin’s plan here: https://fb.watch/kkDgkmZyYt/

Sign the petition to reinstate the No-Fault Eviction Ban

Sinn Féin has launched a petition calling on the government to reinstate the No-Fault Eviction Ban. 

Over 7,000 households have eviction dates looming in the coming weeks and months and the government still cannot answer – where will people go? 

It’s not too late for the government to do the right thing.

Sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/eviction-ban

Special edition of An Phoblacht to mark 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement – Out Now!

This special edition of An Phoblacht is devoted to marking the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.

We have contributions from key participants in the negotiations, talks and consultations that led to the agreement and setting up of the Assembly and Executive.

Gerry Adams, Pat Doherty, Lucilita Breathnach, Gearóid Ó hEara, Gerry Kelly, Padraic Wilson, Mitchel McLaughlin, Séanna Walsh, and Peadar Whelan all reveal key moments in the drama that led to the agreement. Martina Anderson and Bairbre de Brún write on life in the first assembly. Mícheál Mac Donncha and Roy Greenslade provide analysis with Michelle O’Neill and Mary Lou McDonald writing on the road map of what needs to be done now.

Get your copy here today:

Buy An Phoblacht now

Sign the petition to ban supertrawlers from fishing in Irish Waters

Padraig Mac Lochlainn has launched a petition to ban supertrawlers from fishing in Irish Waters.

In recent days, a number of the largest super trawlers in the world have been fishing again in the Irish Exclusive Economic Zone. These monster vessels are multiples of the average-sized fishing trawler.

They are capable of catching vast amounts of fish on each trip and there are profound concerns about their impact on the marine ecosystem.

Super trawlers of this size are banned from fishing in Australian waters.

We are calling on the Taoiseach and the Irish government to campaign for super trawlers to be banned from fishing in Irish waters and all European waters under the jurisdiction of the Common Fisheries Policy.

Sign the petition to ban supertrawlers from fishing in Irish Waters: https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/ban-super-trawlers-in-irish-waters

Source / Photo: Sinn Fein

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